[lug] RH8: adding new language support

Nancy Perry nancy at sleddogcafe.com
Wed Feb 25 14:53:02 MST 2004

I am going nuts and hoped someone could help.

I have a RH8 system on which I originally thought I would
only need English language support on (my first mistake).

Now I need to add support for storing German characters
(umlauts, specifically) and I can't figure out how to add
this new language support without a completely new install.
The RH documentation suggests I can do so using the command
'redhat-config-language' but that only offers me English as
an option. I can SEE the files I want to install in
/usr/share/i18n/locales/de_DE* but I can't figure out how
to get them installed into the /usr/lib/locale/ dir.

I have tried 'unsetenv LANG' and tried to install using localedef
but no luck.  Basically all I want to do is a 'wget' on a few web pages
with umlauts on them and have the page content preserved correctly
on my disk.

  [example: Abfullmaschinen (where the 'u' has the umlaut dots above)
  is stored as Abfüllmaschinen, then is displayed using the two
  incorrect characters \xc3 and \xbc and not single \xfc which is
  the correct character for the small umlautted-u]

Can anyone point me to documentation/hints on how to add support
for new languages once my install is done?

Thanks for any pointers!

p.s. locales currently in /usr/lib/locale (whatever I got on my
original "English only please" install) are:

en_AU/       en_DK.utf8/       en_IE.utf8/       en_PH.utf8/       en_ZA.utf8/
en_AU.utf8/  en_GB/            en_IE.utf8 at euro/  en_SG/            en_ZW/
en_BW/       en_GB.iso885915/  en_IE at euro/       en_SG.utf8/       en_ZW.utf8/
en_BW.utf8/  en_GB.utf8/       en_IN/            en_US/
en_CA/       en_HK/            en_NZ/            en_US.iso885915/
en_CA.utf8/  en_HK.utf8/       en_NZ.utf8/       en_US.utf8/
en_DK/       en_IE/            en_PH/            en_ZA/

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