[lug] Connection problems from Europe

Jeff Schroeder jeff at neobox.net
Thu Mar 11 09:57:19 MST 2004

Carl asked:

> Can you do a traceroute to your host from Europe?

Good idea.

To get to the IP that "works", traceroute takes 22 hops (full messy 
output shown below).

In attempting to get to the IP that doesn't work, traceroute dies after 
15 hops.  It fails at a wcg.net address:

15  chcgil1wcx3-oc48.wcg.net (  122.041 ms  114.478 ms  
113.566 ms

That's certainly interesting.  I don't know where wcg.net is; a couple 
of quick Google searches for geolocation engines turned up "unknown 
location".  But it indicates to me that the connections aren't making 
it into Boulder at all...




traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte 
 1  * * *
 2 (  7.616 ms  7.238 ms  9.571 ms
 3  p21001.net.upc.nl (  6.949 ms  29.313 ms  6.131 ms
 4  * srp8-0.am00rt02.brain.upc.nl (  7.512 ms  6.726 ms
 5  srp0-0.am00rt05.brain.upc.nl (  8.11 ms  6.608 ms  
6.011 ms
 6  nl-ams01a-ra1-so-0-0-2.aorta.net (  8.951 ms  7.508 ms  
7.367 ms
 7  nl-ams01a-rd1-pos-3-0.aorta.net (  7.821 ms  6.956 ms  
7.466 ms
 8  nl-ams02a-rd1-10gige-7-0.aorta.net (  178.577 ms  
202.288 ms  7.256 ms
 9  uk-lon01a-rd2-pos-1-2.aorta.net (  15.604 ms  16.792 
ms  15.543 ms
10  uk-lon01a-rd1-pos-1-0.aorta.net (  211.123 ms  203.547 
ms  199.79 ms
11  uk-lon01a-ri1-ge-2-0-0.aorta.net (  15.297 ms  14.7 ms  
15.058 ms
12  lndnuk1icx1.wcg.net (  103.08 ms  103.475 ms  103.25 
13  nycmny2wcx2-pos15-3.wcg.net (  103.569 ms  103.826 ms  
102.905 ms
14  nycmny2wcx3-oc48.wcg.net (  104.169 ms  103.76 ms  
103.369 ms
15  brvwil1wcx3-pos11-0.wcg.net (  114.658 ms  114.839 ms  
114.851 ms
16  brvwil1wcx2-pos9-0-1-a0.wcg.net (  114.704 ms  
116.051 ms  114.643 ms
17  dnvrco1wcx2-pos14-0.wcg.net (  135.832 ms  135.164 ms  
136.133 ms
18  dnvrco1wcx2-yipes-gige.wcg.net (  137.509 ms  135.202 
ms  136.231 ms
19 (  136.651 ms  135.427 ms  137.081 ms
20  boulder-border.rockynet.com (  136.546 ms  135.611 ms  
137.695 ms
21  s0-0-0-boulder-core.rockynet.com (  139.296 ms  
138.511 ms  137.88 ms
22  sta-204-188-101-2.rockynet.com (  142.229 ms  138.593 
ms  140.258 ms


traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte 
 1  * * *
 2 (  8.351 ms  18.004 ms  9.839 ms
 3  p21161.net.upc.nl (  7.304 ms  6.416 ms  6.065 ms
 4  srp8-0.am00rt01.brain.upc.nl (  9.354 ms  6.757 ms  
7.659 ms
 5  srp0-0.am00rt06.brain.upc.nl (  11.562 ms  7.662 ms  
7.974 ms
 6  nl-ams01a-ra1-so-0-0-3.aorta.net (  7.455 ms  11.675 
ms  7.307 ms
 7  nl-ams01a-rd1-pos-3-0.aorta.net (  7.895 ms  6.174 ms  
14.81 ms
 8  nl-ams02a-rd1-10gige-7-0.aorta.net (  10.121 ms  6.467 
ms  9.84 ms
 9  uk-lon01a-rd2-pos-1-2.aorta.net (  16.383 ms  15.972 
ms  15.423 ms
10  uk-lon01a-rd1-pos-1-0.aorta.net (  15.121 ms  14.402 ms  
23.475 ms
11  uk-lon01a-ri1-ge-2-0-0.aorta.net (  27.158 ms  29.318 
ms  15.918 ms
12  lndnuk1icx1.wcg.net (  102.401 ms  103.59 ms  103.14 
13  nycmny2wcx2-oc12.wcg.net (  103.389 ms  120.334 ms  
105.22 ms
14  nycmny2wcx3-oc48.wcg.net (  104.145 ms  104.636 ms  
104.329 ms
15  chcgil1wcx3-oc48.wcg.net (  122.041 ms  114.478 ms  
113.566 ms

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