[lug] cp problem (>2G)
Greg Seker
sekerg at comcast.net
Thu Mar 25 10:37:11 MST 2004
I did the following for 2.4.20 LFS (smbfs) problems:
Added smbfs-2.4.20-lfs-unicode.patch.gz (can find it thru google)
Upgraded to Samba 3.0
(used "./configure --with-smbmount --without-libsmbclient" when building Samba)
-- this should install various /usr/local/samba/bin/smb* (like smbmount and smbclient) with lfs
Also, had to add "lfs" option to fstab to allow Linux to Windows >2G coping.
fstab example: //[WINDOWS]/[SHARE] /mnt/[LOCALDIR] smbfs noauto,lfs 1 2
mount example: mount -t smbfs -o lfs //[WINDOWS]/[SHARE] /mnt/[LOCALDIR]
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Anselmi" <anselmi at anselmi.us>
To: <stimits at comcast.net>; "Boulder (Colorado) Linux Users Group -- General Mailing List" <lug at lug.boulder.co.us>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: [lug] cp problem
> D. Stimits wrote:
> [...]
> > Possibly, if the file is > 2 GB, you might be running into a limitation
> > of the shell itself. I think most shells nowadays handle this fine, but
> > there are still a lot of semi-modern tcsh shells limited to 2 GB still.
> I've run into >2GB problems too, though it was in smbfs. Mounting a
> Windows share I can not copy large files but smbclient copies them fine.
> Dave
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