[lug] Joining commands?

Chip Atkinson chip at rmpg.org
Thu Apr 8 08:15:32 MDT 2004

On Thu, 8 Apr 2004, Ken Weinert wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 05:36:47PM -0600, John Dollison wrote:
> > I use Sun UNIX at work, and was trying to play a series of audio
> > files using the following command:
> > find / -name '*.au' | audioplay
> ...
> > but that's it.  What did I do wrong?
> The other answers tell you how to fix it, but basically the only
> "wrong" thing you did here was to pipe things into a command that was
> written to take named files on the command line and not read from
> stdin.

There are also two other problems:

'*.au' doesn't expand in the shell.  The ' means take the string *.au as
the literal string <asterisk>.au.

The audio play appears to take the stream of data that makes up a .au file
in as standard input: (from the man page on a sun)

     The audioplay utility copies the named audio files  (or  the
     standard  input  if  no  filenames are present) to the audio
     device. If no input file is specified and standard input  is
     a  tty,  the port, volume, and balance settings specified on
     the command line will be applied and the program will exit.

If the find did work properly, it would return a list of files, and not a
data stream.

Hopefully that makes sense.


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