[lug] finding text lines in a single file
Joey McDonald
joey at scare.org
Tue Apr 27 14:37:29 MDT 2004
And another way to do it would be:
perl -e 'for (123 .. 126) { `grep $_ LogFile` }'
On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 01:04:18PM -0600, Wagner, Carl wrote:
> Hi,
> I know someone can answer this in about 10 seconds, but I am having a brain lock.
> I have a text file with 1 entry per line. I want to grep a file for each successive entry, using
> a bash/ksh script.
> Example:
> EntryFile
> 123
> 124
> 125
> 126
> I want to grep for each entry in a single log file
> grep 123 LogFile
> grep 124 LogFile
> grep 125 LogFile
> grep 126 LogFile
> I tried
> grep `xargs -n 1 -t < EntryFile` LogFile
> But that is looking for a file named 123
> I tried
> xargs -n 1 -t < EntryFile egrep LogFile
> but that is not what I wanted either.
> Basically what I want is
> open EntryFile
> while not EndOfFile(EntryFile)
> {
> EntryLine = read EntryFile
> grep EntryLine LogFile
> }
> I could do this easily in c, but I need to be able to do it in a script.
> Thanks,
> Carl.
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