[lug] fonts for evolution/mozilla in debian sarge

David Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Thu May 6 17:59:49 MDT 2004

Hugh Brown wrote:
> No, full package name means "name I can feed to dpkg to get a file 
> listing"
> For example, if I do
> dpkg -l |grep font
> I get one of the lines of output as:
> ii  xfonts-scalabl 4.3.0-7        scalable fonts for X
> In this case I can extrapolate that the package name is likely 
> xfonts-scalable.  In other cases, it isn't as easy to guess.

Experimenting a little shows this works:

dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Package;-30}\n' xfonts-scalabl*

I infer from dpkg -s that the fields are: Package, Status, Priority,
Section, Installed-Size, Maintainer, Architecture, Source, Version,
Replaces, Provides, Depends, Suggests, Conflicts, Conffiles,
Description, though there may well be others.

> also good to know, I might give synaptic a go first.

Worth a try.  I tend to use systems without X so I haven't tried it.


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