[lug] Live disk attach?

Jeffrey Siegal jbs at quiotix.com
Wed May 19 12:23:27 MDT 2004

Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> William> Two Questions.  1) I am trying to do some hard drive
> William> debugging on a live running Linux system.  I am attaching an
> William> unknown drive to the second channel of my SCSI controller and
> William> powering it up.  It there a way for the OS to re-scan for the
> William> new device without rebooting?  My intention is to run fdisk
> William> and mkfs and perform various integrity checks on many
> William> different drives without rebooting each time.
>        echo "scsi add-single-device a b c d" > /proc/scsi/scsi

You should really get some hot-swap SCSI connectors (kind of hard to 
find but not very expensive).  Otherwise, although the risk is pretty 
low, you may end up with hardware damage by doing this.

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