[lug] ISART 2005 Call-for-Papers

J. Wayde Allen wallen at its.bldrdoc.gov
Wed Jul 28 14:53:37 MDT 2004

                      INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM
                           (ISART 2005)

                         MARCH 1-3, 2005

                          CALL FOR PAPERS

The ISART technical program committee is soliciting papers for the 7th
annual International Symposium on Advanced Radio Technologies (ISART) to
be held in Boulder, Colorado March 1-3, 2005.  These papers will discuss
new technologies, research and development, innovative ideas, enabling
technologies, standards, protocols, business practices and policies, and
government regulation for the purpose of forecasting the future
development and application of radio frequency technologies into the next
decade.  Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

   - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
   - Future of 802.16
   - Wireless/Hybrid LANs
   - New Wireless Convergence and Protocols
   - Software Defined/Cognitive Radios
   - Digital Video Broadcasting: Handhelds (DVB-H)
   - New Wireless Protocols 
   - Voice over IP (VoIP)
   - IPv6
   - Global Mobile Communication Systems (2/2.5/3/4G)
   - Mobile VSATs
   - Broadband over Power Lines
   - GPS, Galileo, Glonass Interoperability and standards
   - 2004 Olympics Communications Lessons Learned
   - Effective Spectrum Management
   - First Responder Communications
   - Human Computer Interface
   - Propagation Modeling in Urban Environment
   - VPN/Wireless Security
   - Mesh Networking
   - High Speed Digital Packet Access
   - Battery/Power Sources
   - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
   - Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
   - UWB Communications
   - Signal Compression
   - Conformal Antenna Design
   - Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)
   - Automatic Voice Recognition
   - Automatic Language Translation
   - Automatic Direction Finding Network
   - Network Services (Artificial Intelligence)
   - Quantum Computing

Some possible questions include:

   - What new and enabling technologies exist?
   - What improvements to the technology are available now?
   - What are the current and future applications of the technology?
   - What will the technology look like?
   - How will the technology be implemented?
   - How will the technology be interoperable?
   - What new technologies should be developed?
   - What are the current and projected techniques, standards, and
     protocols of the technology?
   - Where is the technology going in the next decade?
   - What is the long term forecast in the technology area?
   - What other related enabling technologies are needed?
   - How soon until we see the deployment of the technology?
   - What is the impact of the deployment of the technology?
   - How do network strategies and design affect the technology?


   Oct.  8, 04 - Deadline for submission of draft paper.
   Nov.  5, 04 - Notification of acceptance to authors.
   Jan. 31, 05 - Deadline for submission of final paper. 


   - Submit a draft copy of the proposed paper.
   - Indicate the contact author with an e-mail address.
   - Note: the length of the final paper may not exceed ten pages, see
     the manuscript preparation instructions online at

HOW TO SUBMIT: Submit all materials electronically to Jeanne Ratzloff in
Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF)
<http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/adobepdf.html>. Authors will be
notified of receipt of submission via e-mail. If you do not receive
notification contact Jeanne Ratzloff.

Jeanne Ratzloff DOC/NTIA/ITS.M
325 Broadway 
Boulder, CO 80305-3328 
Tel: 303-497-3330 
Fax: 303-497-5323
e-mail: ratzloff at its.bldrdoc.gov

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