[lug] POP3 Isn't working

Warren Sanders warren at sandersonline.org
Thu Oct 7 12:16:51 MDT 2004

Bill Thoen wrote:

>I have a newly configured RH9 server, but I can't connect using POP3 to
>get my mail. I edited /etc/xinetd.d/ipop3 file and set disable=no, and now
>when I run chkconfig, pop3 is listed as on. I checked /etc/services and
>pop3 is listed for port 110 for both udp and tcp. 
>However, this time I set up a firewall (automatically during the system 
>install) and I suspect that the problem lies there. But I don't know how 
>to read the /etc/sysconfig/iptables file. Can someone who knows more take 
>a look at this and tell me if that's the problem and how to fix it? here's 
>my iptables file:
Two things: 
One you need to restart xinetd after editing that file.  'service xinetd 
Secondly you should run 'ncftp' and enable pop3 there rather than 
editing /etc/xinetd.d/ipop3.

Warren Sanders
Family Photo Galleries

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