[lug] mailman and AV

Matt Thompson thompsma at colorado.edu
Wed Nov 3 12:30:25 MST 2004

On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 11:45, Dean Brissinger wrote:
> Addresses of list members are also being used to send spam.  I got mail
> from thompsma at colorado.edu that was this exact message but to my direct
> address.
> Maybe Matt actually uses outlook in his spare time to send...  Nah, no
> faithful pine user would ever do that!

No, no, no.  I know Outlook isn't bad, but it and me don't get along
(keyboard shortcuts, etc.).  I'm a Thunderbird man on XP and
Evolution/Mutt on Linux.

I used to use Pine for years on a VMS, so I actually still use it for
mass-bouncing to Gmail and Folder administration since I know the

But then again, maybe I am a spammer.  Need a Green Card?

Learning just means you were wrong and they were right. - Aram
   Matt Thompson -- http://ucsub.colorado.edu/~thompsma/
   440 UCB, Boulder, CO  80309-0440
   JILA A510, 303-492-4662
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