[lug] Hard Drive Manufacturer Suggestion

Jeffrey Siegal jbs at quiotix.com
Fri Dec 3 15:28:57 MST 2004

Daniel Webb wrote:
> I know of cases where certain models have been really bad with Seagate,
> Maxtor, and IBM.  I had one of those 40Gig Maxtors die on me, and I knew a lab
> tech who had half of 30 Seagates die in a few months.  Probably all low-end
> manufacturers have this happen sometimes.

In general it seems the quality and reliability of IDE drives has 
declined a *lot* in recent years.  On the other hand, the capacity and 
cost have both improved a lot.  Putting those two together, I'm using 
software RAID5 (if I need more than one drive of capacity) or RAID1 (if 
I don't) on all of my new systems.

I really like the idea of replacing a drive being a simple matter of 
raplacing a failed part without having to deal with recovery and 
possible data loss.

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