[lug] Good Book for Linux Beginners

Scott Kruger kruger at txcorp.com
Wed Dec 29 15:54:11 MST 2004

See these reviews:

The problem with "Beginners" books, is that "Beginners" vary widely, but
these should be a good place to get started.


On Wed, Dec 29, 2004 at 03:07:50PM -0700, Timothy Klein did write:
> On Dec 29, 2004, at 2:37 PM, Stephen Queen wrote:
> > In the last couple of weeks, a number of people have asked
> > me what a good book for Linux beginners might be. I have a
> > number of books that I have come to rely on as references,
> > but nothing I would recommend to a beginner. Does anyone
> > have some suggestions?
> >
> > Stephen Queen
> I am partial to _Running Linux_ by Welsh and Kaufman (the O'Reilly 
> horse and rider book).  There is also a good book called _Think Unix_ 
> (by somebody that starts with an 'L' but my copy was loaned out and 
> never returned).  _Linux in a Nutshell_ by O'Reilly is also good (the 
> horse book).  _Learning the Unix Operating System_ by Peek, Todino, and 
> Strang is not bad either, for a very quick overview of things Unix, to 
> get one going (another O'Reilly title, the owl book).
> O'Reilly makes the only series of books that I will buy cold.  I avoid 
> the big, fat, mostly-picture books with titles like _* Unleashed_ and 
> _Using *, Special Ed._, etc. (I have a couple that I bought years ago 
> when I knew nothing about Linux -- they are now door stops: awaiting 
> the day I quit being lazy and donate them to some second-hand store, or 
> give up and burn them).
> New Riders makes good stuff, but I only have development titles from 
> them.
> Tim
> --
> Timothy Klein: tecce at silverklein.net
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