[lug] 3 Questions: 1) Port Forwarding 2) Unison 3) Job Management Software 4) Test Apache

Daniel Webb lists at danielwebb.us
Mon Feb 14 20:27:54 MST 2005

On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 08:06:25PM -0700, Kevin Fenzi wrote:

> >>>>> "Daniel" == Daniel Webb <lists at danielwebb.us> writes:
> Daniel> This allows me to admin my sister's computer, which is behind
> Daniel> a wireless NAT firewall that she doesn't have control of (or
> Daniel> even know where it is, actually).  I don't know of any other
> Daniel> Free software other than my script to accomplish this in a
> Daniel> robust way.
> What about openvpn ? http://openvpn.sf.net/
> You could install it on your sisters machine connecting out to a
> server on your end. Then the vpn could be used to admin her machine. 
> Or is there something with the setup I am missing?

I hadn't looked at it lately.  Last time I did, it couldn't do this, but
it says in the features that they can run the whole VPN over "one TCP
port" since version 1.5 (a little over a year ago).  A quick scanning of
the documents in the "Simple Examples" section
(http://openvpn.net/man.html#lbAV) tells me that it's harder to set up
than my script.  On the other hand, it's obviously a superior solution.
I wrote the script especially for the case I've described.  With just a
couple of easy and obvious changes in the configuration file, you can
get reverse ports going.  OpenVPN takes a lot more setup work,
especially if you want a secure tunnel.  No messing with firewalls.

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