[lug] Re: Plugin Architecture

Ken Weinert kweinert at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 09:17:40 MDT 2005

On Apr 12, 2005 12:26 AM, Markus Ewald <Markus_Ewald at gmx.net> wrote:
> Btw, maybe you could clear up something up for me: Is there a libc.so
> (an equivalent to the DLL runtime library in windows) or doesn't linux
> have the multiple heaps problem at all ?

libc is shared on Linux, but for (as far as I can tell) entirely
different reasons.

This might help explain the some of these differences:


Also, I'm working on Linuxized version of the code - I just ripped out
the Windows part when I made the conversion for my project, so I'm
going back and setting up to compile under either platform so it might
be a day or two, depends on how much time I can work in.

Oh, Markus - I had asked a couple of people about your "multiple
heaps" question which is why you see the other CC stuff - easier to
just answer once :)  You don't need to keep the CCs for any future

Ken Weinert   kweinert at gmail.com

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