[lug] MPlayer and ALSA

John Hernandez John.Hernandez at noaa.gov
Mon May 2 17:24:09 MDT 2005

Make sure you have the alsa-lib-devel stuff installed.  On my RH-based
distro, I have 3 packages:


The config.log (not sure about that name) left behind by configure may
give more clues.  Find the part where it tests for ALSA stuff - my guess
is that you're missing some required header files (not required for

Jason Davis wrote:
> Hello,
>  I am trying to compile MPlayer on box with a nforce2 chipset. I am
> using ALSA for sound. XMMS and Xine work fine with ALSA. However when I 
> configure MPlayer it tells me ALSA support is disabled....
> mohadib at dune:~/mplayer/MPlayer-0.92$ ./configure
> ....


 |  John Hernandez - NOAA Boulder NOC - 303-497-6392
 |  Mailstop R/OM62. 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305
 |  PGP Public Key ID: 586A7E23

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