[lug] Video chat and Linux

Sebastian Sobolewski spsobole at thirdmartini.com
Sun Jun 5 17:50:41 MDT 2005

I've used gomemeeting (http://www.gnomemeeting.org/) on linux to chat 
with Microsoft NetMeeting clients. It works with any H.323 compatible 
client. ( MyPhone, Netmeeting, CuSeeMe, OpenPhone, etc etc ).

I've also heard good things about skype ( http://www.skype.com/ ) But 
I've never used it myself.


Daniel Webb wrote:

>A friend of mine just told me that he is able to do video chat with most of
>his family using cheap webcams and a Windows program called Trillian.  I
>looked on the web a little bit to see how easy this is to do with Linux, but
>can't really figure it out.  I see answers ranging from easy to hard.  Driver
>support seems spotty.  What's the best video chat program for Linux, and is
>there anything that I can use that would work with my Windows-using relatives?
>What brands and models of webcam (if any) have consistent driver support?
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