[lug] InstallFest, 19 Nov

Crawford Rainwater crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com
Wed Nov 16 21:46:52 MST 2005

Comments below.

On Wed, November 16, 2005 6:16 pm, Siegfried Heintze said:
> Will there be folks with expertise to help me with
>  (1) configuring linksys wrt54g routers for use with linux as a VPN too?
> If
> so, maybe I'll pick one up at CompUSA (too bad you could not have this
> install fest after the thanks giving sales so I could get one very cheap!)

You should be able to use the WRT54G with Linux as well as with M$ or Mac
OS's I would think.  Most Linksys toys have a web interface for
configuration as well.

>  (2) configuring samba clients and servers? Will there be a windows
> machine
> and a router there to try it out?

The InstallFest room is on a separate network at DeVry which does have
some M$ mcahines there with logins though, so it could be possible.

>  (3) configuring access to local NTFS partitions on fedora core 4?
> Thanks,
> Siegfried

Yes on that one.


--- Crawford
CLUE-North Coordinator

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