[lug] growisofs w/Plextor 740A

Gary Hodges Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov
Wed Nov 23 14:05:37 MST 2005

Hugh Brown wrote:

>>What is leading me toward a defective drive conclusion is the
>>following.  If I initialize a disk it takes about two minutes with all
>>but maybe 10 seconds of that time spent on the "/dev/scd0: writing
>>lead-out" part.  On a nearly identical machine I have here it takes
>>about 15 seconds to initialize a disk and only a few seconds are spent
>>on the "/dev/scd0: writing lead-out" part.  Based on on this and
>>everything else I've tried it seems that drive is having problems
>>writing.  Since I get good results locally with the same hardware and
>>software versions I'm thinking the drive has problems.  Oh, I have tried
>>different disks in the problem machine, but they are all Sony brand.
>I'd try swapping the DVD drives in the two machines and see if the
>problems follow the drive (if that's possible).  Anything in
>/var/log/messages coincident with the disc writing?

I have that drive packed and ready to send.  With Thanksgiving it will 
be next week before I can get someone there to install the drive.  
Nothing in the logs during the writing process, but here is what I see 
when I try to mount the disk.

Nov 23 12:54:28 nevada kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 1696
Nov 23 12:54:28 nevada kernel: Unable to read rock-ridge attributes
Nov 23 12:54:28 nevada kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 1428
Nov 23 12:54:28 nevada kernel: ISOFS: unable to read i-node block

I then reinitialized and wrote a disk without rockridge attributes and 
got this when mounting.

Nov 23 13:00:02 nevada kernel:  I/O error: dev 0b:00, sector 1080
Nov 23 13:00:02 nevada kernel: ISOFS: unable to read i-node block


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