[lug] tomcat5.5 as daemon on FC4

Hugh M. Brown hugh at math.byu.edu
Sat Nov 26 06:49:47 MST 2005

On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 17:19 -0700, D. Stimits wrote:
> ...
> > I just downloaded the 5.5.12, untarred it to /var/tmp, cd
> > /var/tmp/apache-tomcat-5.5.12/bin, untarred jsvc.tar.gz, cd jsvc-src,
> > chmod 700 configure,  ./configure --with-java=/usr/java/jdk1.5.0_05, make,
> > cp jsvc binary to $CATALINA_HOME/bin, edit Tomcat5.sh, chmod 700
> > Tomcat5.sh
> > 
> > and then ./Tomcat5.sh and it started.
> I'm going to try this script out sometime tonight or tomorrow, I'm a bit 
> too wiped out from migraines at the moment (not a full migraine, but 
> enough to ruin my last few days).
> Incidentally, the reason I really wanted to use jsvc is to use the 
> change-to-other-user option after startup. I believe redhat scripts also 
> have ways of doing this, but perhaps those ways can break something in 
> tomcat5. Does anyone here know what the difference is between just 
> starting tomcat directly, versus starting it with jsvc...other than 
> being able to change the effective user after startup? The jsvc program 
> seems to be more than just a wrapper, I'm not sure what all it does.

The redhat scripts are just a glorified wrapper for su.  With su, you
won't be able to bind to any <1024 port numbers.  So, if  you aren't
planning on running tomcat on port 80 or 443, then you can just su -
tomcat -c /tomcat/startup.sh

Otherwise, you'll need jsvc which can be used to bind to the low number
ports and then drop privileges


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