[lug] tomcat5.5 as daemon on FC4

Hugh M. Brown hugh at math.byu.edu
Sat Nov 26 13:26:03 MST 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 11:41 -0700, George Sexton wrote:
> > The redhat scripts are just a glorified wrapper for su.  With su, you
> > won't be able to bind to any <1024 port numbers.  So, if  you aren't
> > planning on running tomcat on port 80 or 443, then you can just su -
> > tomcat -c /tomcat/startup.sh
> > 
> > Otherwise, you'll need jsvc which can be used to bind to the 
> > low number
> > ports and then drop privileges
> > 
> The other approach is to run tomcat on the high ports, and then use an
> IPTABLES rule to redirect the requests from port 80 to the correct port.
> I do this and it works very well.

another approach is to use apache as a front end, a jk2 connector, and


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