[lug] OT: Job - Developer Sought

Mike Stanczyk stanczyk at pcisys.net
Mon Dec 5 09:12:13 MST 2005

On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Paul E Condon wrote:

> > If you are interested, please send a WORD version of a cover letter and
> ---------------------------------------^^^^ This is not kosher for
> this LINUX list.  And is fairly stupid, too. It marks the company as
> less than cutting edge.
> JM$.02W


IMHO, requiring WORD isn't kosher period.

1)  I have to pay Microsoft in order to apply for a job.

2)  Ok, suppose I use Open Office to send my resume and they can't
    open it because Microsoft is being flaky today.  Instant rejection.
    There are *way* too many people applying for jobs for employers
    10 seconds trying to figure out a strange resume file.

3)  Same thing applies for using old versions of Word, Wordperfect,
    Lotus WordPro.

4)  As a person with a disability, Word is a total piece of excrement.



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