[lug] Re: Problem with resolving

Ken Kinder kkinder at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 17:24:52 MST 2005

On 12/5/05, Stephen Queen <svqueen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone think they understand this behaviour? Does this maybe
> re-enforce the idea that it is a flakey nameserver in the modem?
> Thanks for all the input so far.

I don't have that modem anymore, but I recall running something like
nslookup -timeout=3 (domain) and watching the modem intermittently
fail to resolve names.

I'd urge you to just use a real name server or get a new modem. I had
this same problem and I attributed it to the flaky modem. Qwest,
needless to say, was of no help at all.

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