[lug] Re: graphing system usage

Kevin Fenzi kevin at scrye.com
Thu Jan 5 10:16:48 MST 2006

Hash: SHA1

>>>>> "Nate" == Nate Duehr <nate at natetech.com> writes:

Nate> Now that I play with munin a little more, I'm kinda
Nate> disappointed.  I'll show y'all what I mean...

Nate> It doesn't seem to be able to handle slow or busy network
Nate> connections (Internet) very well for remote data gathering...

Nate> http://natetech.com/munin

Nate> Look at the ref9870.irlp.net and w0cra-conifer.natetech.com
Nate> machines.

Nate> Big gaping holes in the data collection when done over the
Nate> Internet to a remote machine.

Nate> I did edit the value "my_timeout" in munin-update out to four
Nate> minutes, since it runs every five hoping the extra minute would
Nate> help, but it doesn't seem to.

Nate> Bummer.

Nate> I guess I'll have to go digging to see if it's missing sending
Nate> data, or missing getting it in the first place in the -node side
Nate> of things... ugh.

yeah, I haven't had any problems like that at all here... 

Most of my machines are local here, and the one that moves (my laptop)
gets monitored over a vpn connection which seems to work fine. 

You might try looking at the /var/log/munin/munin-node.log file on the
remove machine and see which checks take a long time and disable them?
Or you could change the cron to run every 10minutes? 

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