[lug] jigdo help

Gary Hodges Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov
Fri Feb 17 14:06:05 MST 2006

David L. Anselmi wrote:
> Gary Hodges wrote:
> [...]
>> I know there are packages to update as I first connected with a modem 
>> and ran update/upgrade.  There are 35 MB of updates to install.  I'm 
>> testing this DVD update procedure for when I'm at my remote sites this 
>> spring.
> Stable only releases CDs once in a while.  3.1r1 is the first update 
> since Sarge was released.  So CDs aren't a good way to stay up to date 
> weekly or monthly (the original release was Jun 05, r1 is Dec 05).

I've been trying to find what I _think_ I read on the benefits of jigdo. 
   I've been under the impression that jigdo is useful for creating 
images that a current with updates at any given time.  Maybe it is but 
I'm looking in the wrong places.

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