[lug] rpm verify

Warren Sanders warren at sandersonline.org
Thu Mar 9 11:14:22 MST 2006

Hash: SHA1
Hugh Brown wrote:
> rpm -V util-linux gives me this
> S.?......   /usr/bin/chfn
> SM5....TC   /usr/bin/chsh
> S.?......   /usr/bin/newgrp
> so what does the C in the final column mean for /usr/bin/chsh?
- From the man page:
The  format  of  the  output  is  a string of 8 characters, a possible
attribute marker:

       c %config configuration file.
       d %doc documentation file.
       g %ghost file (i.e. the file contents are not included in the
package payload).
       l %license license file.
       r %readme readme file.

       from the package header, followed by the file name.   Each  of
the  8
       characters  denotes  the result of a comparison of attribute(s)
of the
       file to the value of those attribute(s) recorded in the
database.   A
       single  "."  (period) means the test passed, while a single "?"
       tion mark) indicates the test could not be performed (e.g.
file  per-
       missions  prevent  reading).  Otherwise, the (mnemonically
       character denotes failure of the corresponding --verify test:

       S file Size differs
       M Mode differs (includes permissions and file type)
       5 MD5 sum differs
       D Device major/minor number mismatch
       L readLink(2) path mismatch
       U User ownership differs
       G Group ownership differs
       T mTime differs

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