[lug] Serving XHTML as text/html

Matt Thompson thompsma at jilau1.colorado.edu
Tue Oct 31 14:19:39 MST 2006

The heavens stretched forth and George Sexton decreed the following on 
or about 10/31/2006 01:34 PM:
> Matt Thompson wrote:
>> Namely, my personal webpage is XHTML and is served as 
>> application/xhtml+xml and for most modern browsers, that is fine.  Of 
>> course, IE6 (dillo, lynx...) 
> I noticed the other day that the W3.org group is going to revive work on 
> the HTML standard. People aren't adopting XHTML.

Awww...nuts.  Oh well, I kinda found a way to serve HTML to IE.

Of course, then I found out IE7, at least, really doesn't like my CSS. 
And it's at that point I think I might give up.  I thought my CSS was 
pretty minor, but I guess not.

Thanks for all the help,

The mayfly lives only one day, and sometimes it rains. - Geo. Carlin
    Matt Thompson -- http://ucsub.colorado.edu/~thompsma/
    440 UCB, Boulder, CO  80309-0440
    JILA A510, 303-492-4662

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