[lug] New daylight savings time and NTP

Matt Thompson thompsma at jilau1.colorado.edu
Mon Mar 5 10:21:18 MST 2007

The heavens stretched forth and Paul Nowosielski decreed the following 
on or about 03/05/2007 10:12 AM:
> Dear All,
> I'm using NTP to keep time on all our servers. Does anyone know how the new 
> daylight savings time will affect this?
> Are there any steps I need to take to ensure system time is correct?

As long as your tzdata has been updated, you should be okay.  To check, 
use zdump:

zdump -v America/Denver | grep 2007

for whatever timezone you are using.  You should see Mar 11 in the 
output, not April something.

Time's Person of the Year, 2006
    Matt Thompson -- http://ucsub.colorado.edu/~thompsma/
    440 UCB, Boulder, CO  80309-0440
    JILA A510, 303-492-4662

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