[lug] LAMP FTP setup

karl horlen horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 7 16:35:54 MDT 2007


why even enable std ftp?  
i just assume disable it in xinetd and just go with
the first half of your solution.

> Here's the rest of my solution:
> in /bin, create a file named "noftp" with this
> script:
> #!/bin/sh
> echo "502 Only SFTP on port 22 is allowed. SFTP
> Connections are required"
> and in your xinetd.d directory put an ftpd file with
> this in it:
> # default: on
> # description: Tell users ftp is not supported
> service ftp
> {
>     type        = UNLISTED
>     port        = 21
>     socket_type    = stream
>     protocol    = tcp
>     wait        = no
>     disable        = no
>     user            = nobody
>     log_type        = SYSLOG ftp
>     log_on_success  = HOST
>     log_on_failure  = HOST
>         server          = /bin/noftp
>     cps             = 10 60
> }                                                   

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