[lug] mysqldump versus snapshot versus..

Nate Duehr nate at natetech.com
Thu Aug 2 09:55:05 MDT 2007

dio2002 at indra.com wrote:
>> steve at badcheese.com wrote:
>>> The only thing tricky about doing DB backups is getting a good, solid
>>> snapshot of the DB.  This generally means 'locking' the tables as you
>>> dump them.
>> Or... get a real commercial DB with a "quiescent" mode specifically
>> designed for the purpose where the DB tables are stopped and changes are
>> written to logical logs while the snapshot is being taken.
>> Just a thought.
> all good thoughts.  my app happens to be using mysql so the choice is out
> of my control for right now unless i want to rewrite it and i don't :-). 
> thanks for the insight.

Understand.  Many people find themselves "there" with MySQL, and it's 
good to lift your head above water once in a while and look around... if 
there's a budget (and I understand that many times there isn't), 
*sometimes* the commercial RDBMS' really are "better".

Not saying that there's not pain and suffering switching DB's, or that 
there's not a learning curve, just over the long-haul.

And nowadays they all run on Linux... which is a nice plus... 
although... one could argue that commercial Unix can also help things 
over the long haul... (GRIN)... but that's not an appropriate argument 
for this list, probably.


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