Phillip Tribble phillip.tribble at gmail.com
Sat Aug 11 16:47:39 MDT 2007

/from Slashdot:

"Jim Zemlin (executive director for the Linux Foundation) gave a talk at 
LinuxWorld saying that the open source community should stop poking fun 
at Microsoft 
>From the VNU article: 'Open source vendors have to recognize that 
Windows is here to stay and that together with Microsoft it will form a 
duopoly in the market for operating systems. This also requires that the 
Linux community respects Microsoft rather than ridicule it. "There are 
some things that Windows does pretty well," Zemlin said. Microsoft for 
instance has excelled in marketing the operating system, and has a good 
track record in fending off competition.'/--

I think it is time for Linux crush micsrosoft! Any takers?

Phillip Tribble
That Guy INC.

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