[lug] ssl apache paths

dio2002 at indra.com dio2002 at indra.com
Tue Aug 14 17:33:38 MDT 2007

>> Yes. Each ssl host needs to have it's own IP.
>> The name based virtual stuff takes place after the ssl handshake
>> between your server and the browser. It already has to know the
>> hostname it's going to to verify the ssl certificate. You can't do
>> multiple ones in a single IP...
> Darn!  i guess ip aliasing is my only option here.  i'm trying to
> find a way to do this without having to buy more ip addresses.

Actually, there IS another option.  setup ssl to listen to multiple PORTS
on the SAME IP!

that allows for unique pathing for routing to the appropriate vhost.  but
i'm trying to figure out how to make all this work.  the wood's burning
but the smoke hasn't cleared yet ;-).  suggestions welcome.

fwiw, the login links are for known admins so the end user experience for
all of this doesn't have to be pretty.

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