[lug] Mailman/postfix problem help request

Hugh Brown hugh at math.byu.edu
Sun Oct 21 07:56:56 MDT 2007

I'd turn up debugging and see if you could get any more info about why 
it is denying from the logs.


Chip Atkinson wrote:
> thanks for the reply.  One thing I forgot to mention too is that if I
> change www.pupman.com to chip1.pupman.com, pupman.com, or chip1 that the
> relaying denied message is also returned. 
> hostname returns "chip1", hostname --fqdn returns "chip1.pupman.com"
> Chip
> On Sun, 21 Oct 2007, Hugh Brown wrote:
>> It looks like postfix thinks of www.pupman.com as a foreign entity.  I 
>> don't see it in your mydestination variable or listed as a virtual alias 
>> domain.  I'd think adding it to the mydestination variable would take 
>> care of the problem.
>> After a cursory look at the docs, I can't tell right away where the 
>> "right" place in main.cf is for enumerating the CNAMEs of the mailhost. 
>>   I suspect it is mydestination and/or virtual_alias_domains.  Could 
>> someone with more knowledge comment on this?
>> Hugh

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