[lug] Automated USB Drive Backup

karl horlen horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 26 13:14:55 MDT 2007

> That's a really cool idea.  Until you need to
> recover something from the
> backup drive and plug it into your machine and
> realize it's just made the
> backup drive match the host.  Make sure your backup
> script takes that into
> account...

Good Catch.  I'm sure I would've realized that soon
enough but good call going into this.

> I had, in the past, a script which detected when I
> plugged my music player
> in and popped up a GUI window asking "Do you want to
> just charge it or copy
> music to it?"  In the latter case it would erase the
> songs on the player
> and copy over a random selection from my laptop.  A
> similar technique could
> be done in your script.

Would you care to share the detection part of that
script if you still have it?  Obviously I would need
to somehow modify it to look for a drive and not a
music player.

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