[lug] External USB floppy drives and driver diskettes

karl horlen horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 26 15:59:08 MDT 2007

> When it came time to make a driver diskette I was
> later presented with a dilemma :

I just thought I'd share this with the group.  

When I was typing this post, I typed in dilemma as
'dilemna' and FF spellchecker alerted me that
'dilemna' was incorrect.  I tried respelling a number
of ways and it kept being flagged as wrong.

I googled dilemna and to my surprise, apparently half
the country was brought up being taught to spell
dilemma incorrectly as 'dilemna'.  Or at least I was.

Don't want to take the thread off topic because I'd
like some input on my original question.  But I
thought some of you might like to know you've probably
been spelling this word wrong if you don't already
know it :-)

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