[lug] External USB floppy drives and driver diskettes

karl horlen horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 26 17:43:38 MDT 2007

> I think you'd be able to put the driver on a cd and
> have it prompt you 
> for the cd.  If it needs the first CD back, it will
> likely ask you.  Do 
> you know that you'll need the driver disk.  It's
> been a long time since 
> I've come across disk/nic that wasn't supported by
> the install kernel. 
> As long as disk/nic work, you can install the base
> system and add 
> support for whatever esoterica you have after.

It was a couple of months ago. I couldn't get the base
OS to work with a post install secondary sata
controller versus the onboard it shipped with.  In
order to use the onboard controller I was forced to
put it into some kind of ihci or similar compatibility
mode which means it's not really running at SATA
speeds.  It's actually functioning as an IDE
controller for all intensive purposes.

I tried all kinds of things to make this work and my
last ditch was pointing me towards the driver disk. 
That never worked either.  IIRC, my install CD never
allowed me to do things it was supposed to according
to the RHEL manual.  It was strange.

I'm not worried about reopening that issue right now. 
It just left me wondering how I would approach it in
the future. 

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