[lug] geolocate ip address scripts

John Starkey jstarkey at breezedev.com
Tue Nov 6 08:29:16 MST 2007

I've been using MaxMind's GeoIP with PEAR::NetGeoIP.


It's worked well for my client and we have a couple scripts still using 
it, but we decided to go to the paid service for their fraud prevention 


karl horlen wrote:
> I've been searching on the web for some free ip
> geolocator scripts and databases.  I keep coming up
> with paid services or a single free solution for
> ASP.net which  I don't want.
> I can already scrape a unique list of IPs from my
> apache logs easily enough using a bash script.  The
> next step is to feed those into a script that does a
> geo lookup on the ip address and outputs the location.
> Anybody have any suggestions or possibly done this
> before and mind sharing?  
> It doesn't matter to me if it's php or perl and mysql.
>   It would be great if I could do the entire thing in
> bash but to do this locally requires a local ip lookup
> city db.  Getting a decent db solves 95% of this as
> programming it should be pretty easy.
> I could use a remote lookup service but the ones I've
> seen either have limits on the number of lookups or
> are paid services.  And I haven't seen any that are
> really web services with remote APIs.  You need to
> enter an ip address from a web page.
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