[lug] apache vhost / php perms
Jason Vallery
jason at vallery.net
Wed Apr 16 19:36:32 MDT 2008
Hi Karl,
There is a virtual host directive called SuexecUserGroup in Apache 2 (I
think there might be a module for Apache 1.3). You can tell Apache to
execute the scripts as a specified user. In example, if you add the
following line to the virtualhost declaration in httpd.conf it will execute
the script as user 503, group 504:
SuexecUserGroup "#503" "#504"
You can find more at http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/suexec.html
Jason Vallery
jason at vallery.net
mobile: +1.720.352.8822
home: +1.303.993.3712
web: http://vallery.net/
On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 5:18 PM, karl horlen <horlenkarl at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I've got a lamp server that runs multiple php/mysql based vhosts. Some
> document roots of these vhosts are owned by different user accounts.
> In order to allow apache to execute the php in these individually user
> owned directories, I simply added each user id to the group 'apache'. It
> works fine.
> However, it's not very secure. If user A logs in to his account, he can
> literally add / change / list / copy anything in user B, C, D... 's server
> root directory because they all share 'apache' group perms. Not good!
> Can anyone recommend a bulletproof solution to allow apache the access it
> needs to exec php from multiple user owned doc roots while preventing
> different users from tampering with each other's files and dirs?
> I'd prefer something that's fairly easy to administer as multiple accounts
> / vhosts are likely to be added and removed from the server.
> I do know that there is an ExecCGI option. But i think this seriously
> degrades performance? And as silly as this sounds, for some reason I always
> associate CGI with perl and not php so I'm not even sure this would work
> with php?
> Open to any and all solutions.
> Thanks
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