[lug] Etch AMD kernels not working

Collins Richey crichey at gmail.com
Mon Apr 21 19:15:18 MDT 2008

On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 1:49 PM, Gary Hodges <Gary.Hodges at noaa.gov> wrote:

> > > For those interested...  I did a fresh install on a separate drive. Same
> issue.  About half the time I'd get to login prompt, and about half the time
> it stops during the boot process.  For kicks I tried a different SCSI card.
> Same results.  When I get a chance I'll compile a kernel and see if that
> works.  For the time being I'm back to running the 486 kernel with one CPU.
> > >
> >
> > I just played around with booting a custom compiled kernel.  The good news
> is the machine boots up fine.  The bad news is I have no video.  No more
> time to play today, but there seems to be something incompatible with the
> pre-compiled k7 kernels and my k7 hardware.  Is that a bug?
> >
>  A lot of self replies, but I have some new information.  It seems the issue
> is SMP, not a particular kernel flavor.  I compiled several SMP 486 and k7
> kernels over the past week or so, and all locked the machine either during
> boot or within 5 minutes of logging in.  I just grabbed the config file of
> the single CPU 486 kernel that has been working fine since the Etch upgrade
> a few weeks ago.  This is the default install kernel.  The only change I
> made was adding SMP support and setting Enhanced Real Time Clock Support as
> instructed in the SMP info section.  That kernel locked the machine during
> boot.

I'm not overly surprised that you're having problems with Etch
kernels. My only experience with Etch (at least 1 year ago) indicated
that the Etch kernels are way downlevel from what you get with Ubuntu
or Sid. In my case my sound card (2 year old MB) was not usable. I am
surprised that the SMP kernels are broken. I've been running SMP
kernels on AMD on Ubuntu and Sid (sidux) with nary a blip for a long
time now,.

Collins Richey
 If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
 of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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