[lug] ip geotarget accuracy
karl horlen
horlenkarl at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 17:30:55 MDT 2008
I've looked into doing some ip based geotargeting. Searching online and visiting vendor db sites reveals that it is supposedly 95% accurate depending on what db you use. The more you search and read leads you to believe this figure is a lot less.
I recently conducted my own very unscientific experiment using some simple online ip to zip code lookups at different computers to see just how accurate this stuff is. I use a local isp, so my ip lookup ids my city correctly. My dad uses qwest and his ip lookup says he's in denver when he's really twenty minutes away. That's good for metropolitan targeting but really fails to narrow down his city.
I've read that AOL uses proxies so anyone using AOL will be geotargeted incorrectly.
I guess ip accuracy boils down to where your ISP is located and or whether or not they use proxies.
I've probably answered my own question in that ip geotargeting accuracy isn't that reliable. I'm still not sure what "level of accuracy" is really available and what definition of "accurate" is acceptable or not. Ideally it would give you x percentage of confidence at the city level.
If anyone has some relevant insight into the topic, please share.
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