[lug] Fedora Core 9 Bad ISO images?

Hugh Brown hugh at math.byu.edu
Tue Jun 3 20:28:16 MDT 2008

Hugh Brown wrote:
> Bill Thoen wrote:
>> I don't know how to use rsync, but the man page seems straight-forward 
>> enough. However, I'm not sure what to use as the "SRC". I went to 
>> mirrors.kernel.org and saw an rsync link, but how do I tell it I want 
>> to just check the fedora core 9,  i386,  iso images. I don't want to 
>> try something like: rsync rsynch://mirrors.kernel.org/mirrors/ and 
>> discover that it downloads everything in sight.  Can you give me an 
>> example of how to rsync check Fedora-9-i386-disc2.iso?
>> As an aside, I checked the file sizes listed in the FTP section for 
>> FC9, and they aren't even close to the sizes of the ones I have -- 
>> even for the iso images that I used to make  the discs that tested 
>> good. Now I'm really confused... Is there one release of FC9 i386 iso 
>> images or several?
>> - Bill Thoen
> rsync has a -n flag, that in my mind stands for "not really" It will let 
> you try it out without actually transferring anything.
> I'd do this:
> cd /dir/with/iso/in/it
> md5sum Fedora-9-i386-disc2.iso
> # this should all be on one line
> rsync -nv 
> rsync://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/releases/9/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-9-i386-disc2.iso 
> .
> md5sum Fedora-9-i386-disc2.iso
> There's a final period to indicate PWD.
> Hugh

I forgot to add that if the rsync command checks out, change the -nv to 
-v to do the actual sync.  Only then should you follow up with a new md5sum.


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