[lug] portable ogg players

Sean Reifschneider jafo at tummy.com
Fri Jun 13 14:18:03 MDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Louis Miller wrote:
>        Has anyone done some extensive research on portable Ogg players? I hear
> the sound on Ogg is much better than mp3. I have a Sandisk mp3 player. I took 

The issue for me is that oggs at half the bit-rate sound better than mp3s.
I have an old Samsung player that does native ogg playing, and it's 64kbps
oggs sounded better to me than 128kbps mp3s.  So I could get twice as much
music on it.  The mp3 artifacts at 128kbps or lower I find I notice.  And
since you brought it up, this was mostly on the $80-ish Etymiotic isolation

I recently looked however, and it seems that Samsung has completely dropped
the Ogg ability in their newer players.

You can use Rockbox on some players like the iPod HD models and some other
models have ogg ability, mostly on bigger players it seems.

Go to the vorbis site, they have a section of their site that lists players
they know of that support ogg.

More recently, most of my music playing has been mp3s because my new car
has an ipod port  and the Nano doesn't work with Rockbox.  So I just
converted all my FLACs into MP3s at 256kbps, and they sound fine.  Since
I'm dealing with 8GB of storage, rather than 512MB like my Samsung had,
it's less pressing for me to squeeze more songs on there.

Best bet: Check the Vorbis site for their list of supported players.  It's
usually pretty out of date, but it's how I found the Samsung.

- --
Sean Reifschneider, Member of Technical Staff <jafo at tummy.com>
tummy.com, ltd. - Linux Consulting since 1995: Ask me about High Availability
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