[lug] optical drive replacement for a powerbook G4

Steve A Hart Shart at colorado.edu
Thu Dec 11 10:59:07 MST 2008

OK..ok..ok Mac is NOT Linux...my apologies.....I just want to price some 
optical drives for the laptop!  :)

I didn't mean to start a big ol bru-ha-ha.....  hehe



Zan Lynx wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Steve A Hart wrote:
>> Sorry for tossing a Mac question in here but since OS X is essentially
>> another flavor of Linux I guess it works!
> Err, as a software programmer that has to write software that works on
> Linux, BSD and OS X, I disagree. :-)
> OS X is not even quite BSD anymore.  It's *better* than FreeBSD at any
> rate, at least in the memory map department for sure.
> I have this hate for FreeBSD mmap because it sucks so much.  It takes
> *ages* to msync a map in FreeBSD because the OS doesn't track what parts
> actually changed.  They *say* you're supposed to sync just the parts of
> the map that you changed.  Bah!  Add all that tracking just for BSD when
> Linux can sync the entire map is micro-time?  Instead in my app BSD just
> gets no sync at all until the very end.  Take that BSDers! :-)
> - --
> Zan Lynx
> zlynx at acm.org
> "Knowledge is Power.  Power Corrupts.  Study Hard.  Be Evil."
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Steve Hart
Systems Administrator
Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research
University of Colorado Boulder
shart at colorado.edu

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