[lug] Filesystem attributes (lsattr/chattr): how to deal with files with "I" attrbitute?

Davide Del Vento davide.del.vento at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 07:57:53 MST 2009

> Just feed the number directly to rm -i by hand and see what it does.

Which rm are you talking about? In the POSIX rm, the -i argument is
for interactive deleteting (ask for confirmation before deleting), not
for the inode number. You cannot feed directly an inode number into rm
(thus I was using find)

The clri command might success to remove the recursive directory, but
it might cause more problems than the problematic dir itself (besides
the need to unmount the filesystem and check it, which is painful for
our machine, which is supposed to stay up and running almost 365x24x7)


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