[lug] (Sort of OT) Serial Thermometer

Landon Cox landon at 360vl.com
Thu Jan 29 12:03:30 MST 2009

I'm sure you saw this since you said you checked with SparkFun, but  
maybe it's overkill for you since it's more than just temperature:


I connected it serially (TTL) to an XBee and do XBee<->XBee comm with  
a Linux box.   It works either way, USB or TTL serial.   It's insalled  
outside so I embedded it in a Hammond enclosure with the lid facing  
down and made holes in the lid with a screen to keep bugs out and let  
ambient air in.   It's solar powered also.  There are some pictures of  
it here:


I've been using this board to export temperature data to CWOP for a  
long time:

The wind data in that CWOP link is coming from another micro with  
firmware I wrote...an open source project called OSCirrus:

but the temp and humidity is coming from the Sparkfun board.


On Jan 29, 2009, at 12:52 PM, Carl Wagner wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone have a serial thermometer they could sell me?  (or even  
> rent me for a month or so)
> I want to build one, but I don't have time right now.
> I don't need anything fancy, just something that I can query from a  
> laptop running Linux.
> (hence not USB, unless it works with Linux, and has an easy  
> interface, that I could use a bash script to talk with it.)
> And it needs to be something I can get in the next day or so.
> I checked with SparkFun and they did not have anything.
> If not, does anyone know where I could get something like this  
> locally (and they are not to proud of it)?
> Thanks,
> Carl.

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