[lug] Be careful what you ask for (Re: Cluttering the Internet)

Tom Christiansen tchrist at perl.com
Sun Nov 29 00:41:58 MST 2009

In-Reply-To: Message from Sean Reifschneider <jafo at tummy.com>
   of "Sat, 28 Nov 2009 22:49:10 MST." <4B120B56.5060003 at tummy.com>

    | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    | +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |

> So, what you're saying is that you had a message to convey, and that
> message is:

>   [-- Attachment #1: Freedom-formatted reply by tchrist to anselmi --]
>   [-- Type: application/pdf, Encoding: base64, Size: 6.5K --]

>   [-- application/pdf is unsupported (use 'v' to view this part) --]

I regret that your UMA is not set up to handle PDF.  Have you ever 
heard of MH?  It has no difficulties with such things.  You might
consider upgrading.  

Just a thought.

>   [-- Attachment #2 --]
>   [-- Type: text/plain, Encoding: 7bit, Size: 0.2K --]

> I realize I'm being a bit flippant here, but come on -- PDF?

Why, sure.  

Permit me to demonstrate.

>There are standards for e-mail communication, this is a solved problem, a=
>PDF is *NOT* the solution.

It is indeed a solution to a particular set of problems.

While one could in theory effect a similar result with appropriate
markup using HTML, that's a lot more trouble than

    enscript file | ps2pdf

which is all the outbound filter needs to do.

>If someone says that they prefer looking at non-fixed-width fonts, and se=
>that in their mail client, it is not reasonable that you *FORCE* them to
>read it in your preferred configuration.

Please consult the six samples following my signature for a clear
demonstration of why this is necessary.

What about people who force me to launch a web browser just to read
their email?  Isn't that therefore also unreasonable?

>But I'll be clear, I do not think we should allow posting as attachments,=

Are you sure you've thought that through?  You've just disqualified yourself!

    $ scan cur +blug
      1111+ 22:49    5991 Sean Reifschne  Re: [lug] Cluttering the Internet

    $ mhlist
     msg part  type/subtype              size description                         
    1111       multipart/mixed           2713
	 1     multipart/signed          2076
	 1.1   text/plain                1359
	 1.2   application/pgp-signatur   253 OpenPGP digital signature           
	 2     text/plain                 217

Your message is itself a couple of attachments.  I don't think you meant to
disallow yourself, but that's what your policy would do.

On the other hand, unlike your attachmented message, my PDF message was
*not* an attachment.  My message had a single, non-multipart MIME type
which was inlined.  This is exactly the same as any other inlined single
non-multipart MIME type.

If you really intend to limit messages to "non-attachments", that is, 
to single, non-multipart MIME types, then mine is ok and yours is not.

I'm sure you prefer a definition that's the reverse of that, and I am
curious how you are going to manage that.

Checking actual mailing-list messages, I find all of the following MIME
types have been sent through:


    text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
    text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
    text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; delsp=yes; format=flowed
    text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format="fixed"
    text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
    text/plain; charset=UTF-8
    text/plain; charset=Windows-1252
    text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed


    text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
    text/html; charset=UTF-8
    text/html; charset="Windows-1252"


    application/octet-stream; x-unix-mode=0644; name=hack_cal.ics.bz2
    application/pdf; filename="Cluttering_the_Internet.pdf"; name="Cluttering_the_Internet.pdf"
    application/pgp-signature; name="signature.asc"


    image/gif; name="538624.gif"; x-mac-type=47494666; x-mac-creator=4A565752
    image/jpeg; name="PGH7.jpg"


    multipart/signed; micalg=pgp-sha1

I'm pretty sure people had reasons for those, but perhaps they didn't
have good ones.  I would not dare to hazard any guess though.

Which of those would pass your admittance criteria? 
Which would fail your admittance criteria? 

I'm guessing you'd want a Content-Disposition of inline only, right?  
That will take care of the attachment problem once you forbid group 5.

What about Content-Type? I suppose group 4 has to be out, since that's not
communication, even if it saves a thousand words.  I'm guessing you'd
require it to be text only, right?  Is postscript text?  Or would you mean
*plain* text only?

Group 3 would be out, right?  That's merely application stuff.

I suspect you don't want to give a full ok to everything in group 2 and
group 1.  Of course, group 2 requires launching some extra program for 
those attachments, so that's out.

I suppose people who want to mail web pages will be put off, but that may
be inevitable.  After all, those who don't use a web browser to read mail
would be forced to fire up an external viewer to read a mailed web page,
which I believe is your argument against attachments.

Even with group 1, there are things you have to ack or nak.

What about any restrictions based on character set?  Is a charset of
Windows 1252 ok?  How about UTF-8?  What about those whose charset is
out of spec, like the X-UNKNOWN above, or any message that says it's in
a bigger subset than it is (eg, calling 7-bit data Latin1 or CP1252),
which is also in violation.

What about the Content-Transfer-Encoding?  Some people don't have much 
control over whether something gets quoted-printable (or not), or even 
base64-encoded. I've certainly seen regular UTF-8 come over as a big ugly
base64 block.  Is that still ok?

Please don't mistake me.  I am *not trying* to make any sort of argument at
all either in favor or against any of those.  I am just trying to *really*
understand what you are really asking for so that I be a good citizen.  I
don't really care what the rules are so long as I understand them,
especially since I'm perfectly capable of working within an all text/plain
environment.  A lot of people's mailers are currently misconfigured, but 
this is no true barrier.

I do imagine howls of "MIME-hating Luddite!" might be raised, but *I* 
certainly will not be one of those voices.   I'll just do as everyone
is told to do.

> PDF?  DOC?  They just do not help with the goal, which is
> communication.  For example, I *STILL* haven't read the message(s)
> that sparked this, because as you see above the content is obscured.

Again, it's a shame your mailer is so behind the times.  There are many
free ones available you could certainly upgrade to which would not 
have this bug.


|            Figure 1: Compute duplication percentage               |
|        <H1>Figure 1: Compute duplication percentage</H1>          |
|                                                                   |
| $ mhlist `pick +blug -search multipart/alternative` |             |
|     perl -ne '/\d\.\d.*(html|plain).*?(\d+)/i and ${lc $1} += $2; |
|           END {                                                   |
|                 printf "html %d, plain %d, %.0f%%\n",             |
|                        $html,   $plain, 100 * $html/$plain;       |
|               }'                                                  |
|                         ^                                         |
|                        /|\                                        |
|                       / | \                                       |
|  # Notice in the above code I vertically aligned the "html" bits  | 
|  # in pattern match, printf arg, and variable name.  This needs   |
|  # a fixed-width font to line up properly, lest meaning be lost.  |
|                                                                   |

		| Figure 2:                    |
		|    Snowflake Heptahexagon    |
		|                              |
		|               1              |
		|                              |
		|               1              |
		|       5               3      |
		|           7       4          |
		|               7              |
		|           5       2          |
		|       4               2      |
		|               8              |
		|                              |
		|               6              |
		|                              |

	| Figure 3: Standard Heptahexagon               |
	|                                               |
	|                       1                       |
	|                                               |
	|                    7     4                    |
	|                       1                       |
	|            8       5     2       2            |
	|                                               |
	|         2     5       8       4     8         |
	|            6                     2            |
	|         4     7       7       1     5         |
	|                                               |
	|            1       7     7       7            |
	|                       7                       |
	|            7       7     7       4            |
	|                                               |
	|         5     1       7       1     2         |
	|            5                     3            |
	|         8     4       5       7     8         |
	|                                               |
	|            2       8     7       5            |
	|                       4                       |
	|                    2     1                    |
	|                                               |
	|                       4                       |
	|                                               |

    |         Figure 4: BRC Septasexagon           |
    |                                              |
    |                       1                      |
    |                                              |
    |                    7 .-. 4                   |
    |                      |1|                     |
    |            8       5 .-. 2       2           |
    |                                              |
    |         2  -  5       8       4  -  8        |
    |           |6|                   |2|          |
    |         4  -  7       7       1  -  5        |
    |                     \ ^ /                    |
    |            1       7 \./ 7       7           |
    |                       7                      |
    |            7       7 /|\ 7       4           |
    |                     /   \                    |
    |         5  -  1       7       1  -  2        |
    |           |5|                   |3|          |
    |         8  -  4       5       7  -  8        |
    |                                              |
    |            2       8  -  7       5           |
    |                      |4|                     |
    |                    2  -  1                   |
    |                                              |
    |                       4                      |
    |                                              |

|            Figure 5: Galactus's Heptahexagonal Birthday Cake         |
|                                                                      |
|                                  *                                   |
|             I  I  I              *          I  I     I               |
|              I I I            *******        I I I  I                |
|                VII       ******* * *******     VII VII               |
|              VII VII  ******* ******* *******    VII                 |
|             II I  I      ******* * *******     I I I                 |
|            I I     I          *******         I  I  I                |
|                i      i      i   *  i      i      i                  |
|               iii v  iii v  iii v  iii v  iii v  iii v               |
|              iiivvi iiivvi iiivvi iiivvi iiivvi iiivvi               |
|              ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....                 |
|              :14:   :28:   :42:   :57:   :71:   :85:                 |
|              :28:   :57:   :85:   :14:   :42:   :71:                 |
|              :57:   :14:   :71:   :28:   :85:   :42:                 |
|         ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- -------      |
|           i  142857 142857 142857 142857 142857 142857       i       |
|          ii    285714 285714 285714 285714 285714 285714     ii      |
|         iii   428571 428571 428571 428571 428571 428571      iii     |
|          iv      571428 571428 571428 571428 571428 571428   iv      |
|           v       714285 714285 714285 714285 714285 714285  v       |
|          vi     857142 857142 857142 857142 857142 857142    vi      |
|                                                                      |
|           ^  iiiivv iiiivv iiiivv iiiivv iiiivv iiiivv        ^      |
|           ^   iiv i  iiv i  iiv i  iiv i  iiv i  iiv i        ^      |
|           ^    i      i      i      i      i      i           ^      |
|           ^  :57:   :14:   :71:   :28:   :85:   :42:          ^      |
|           ^  :28:   :57:   :85:   :14:   :42:   :71:          ^      |
|           ^  :14:   :28:   :42:   :57:   :71:   :85:          ^      |
|     <<<<<<^ ___   ___    ___    ___    ___    ___   ___ >>>>>>^      |
|                                                                      |

| Figure 6:                           ERRANTRY                             |
| *This*'ll                                                                |
|  get                                TahtaahaHwatHhhtSesaHthaHihahoaahaaa |
|   people                            h eo neneicheiehhloneoenene en  ensn |
|    to                               em  ld d tra s aeu d   d   f  bc d d |
|     love                            rebwo p chots bt dl wsm cfblmfoat f  |
|    mail                             esuaapeca s aee leosonafaiuoaiarhrlq |
|   with                               sindoralcsltrgfadnivadeuliwdrtareuu |
|  fixed-width                        weld rfrla a rglu ggereagaleee vecta |
|  o                                  anteorudertyaaeugh a e thmtr  heaktv |
|  n                          -       sg rfimadgh nndthihla ahte  haeldlee |
|  t             :-)            -      ea  dem oebdt temed h e nahen  eerr |
|  s                              t   ar iygdote e raed  rtebrht ordbadsii |
|  .                                o  ,gnee mhsrtsy r usyire e lu  u- snn |
|                                     m i,lsh e iwa peant s ewroissaigglgg |
|       weld                          eal l ea ivenardtpuasiti fteh-lley,, |
|       vecta                         r daofrnwneeg-e  idnunlni t,ostim    |
|       peant                         rmenwo di rn ttbhtide;egnsl eh mssat |
|       sendno                        yadd rw nts aatyiye   -  petsihm hnh |
|      caen                            r  o ildo t ry midsatlabi o meeiede |
|     aaa                             pighrptas somr t,n mihenedb omrrn  y |
|    e e e                            anoaarhv ce eybo gwireadweohfe i sw  |
|   n  n  n                           sendno eoavtliu d;ity t irwi rmnnqaw |
|                                     srd gvmnfreaontme zh-fhsl-eddiageuva |
|                                     e;oieead rnrdgtal aytoewdtreinr caen |
|           c                         n lnsnreaytry;eru rihlraeh- agv knrd |
|                                     g a  djrr ey  rrd dnil lrrhhm e ldie |
|        a                            e  h eo.ghe   fye rgnowlmeoeo l aenr |
|                                     r  e rr oinh  l d y. wioeaurn l crge |
|     e         a                        r ;a sm i  yh      nwnds d o ee,d |
|                                           m i  m   ih    ig-t;eh  u sd   |
|  n                                          e  .   mi    n w   e  s    o |
|                                             s      .m      i   a    -t n |
|                   e                                 ,      n   d     h . |
|                                                            g   ;     e   |
|                                                                      m   |
|                                                                      ,   |
|                       n                                                  |
|                                                                          |

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