[lug] problem compiling Ubuntu kernel

David L. Anselmi anselmi at anselmi.us
Sat Jan 23 22:52:57 MST 2010

Lee Woodworth wrote:
>> Yes, I can mount the partitions after running that manually.  How do you
>> put that into the initramfs?  I have installed initramfs-tools and tried
>> putting something under the scripts directory but that mostly succeeded
>> in hanging the boot process.
> I build my own initramfs. When I looked around I didn't find tools for building
> an initramfs  -- didn't want to build an initrd. Here is the /init
> that boots (/bin and /sbin have static versions of the tools - busybox, lvm):

update-initramfs should be able to build you the right thing.  But the system has to be close enough 
to right for it to figure out what to do.  So if you can get through some manual steps to eventually 
get the system running with the correct volumes in the correct places then it should work. 
(Obviously it doesn't have to have the same kernel if you use the right options as you'll boot since 
it doesn't do that on upgrades.)

Up to you to decide whether it's easier to get the system running by hand or to learn the initramfs 
magic to build that by hand.


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