[lug] Fwd: [BAHRA] Web Developer Opening in Boulder [1 Attachment]
Jeffrey Haemer
jeffrey.haemer at gmail.com
Tue May 4 16:12:05 MDT 2010
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Debi Chernak <debichernak at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 4, 2010 at 4:05 PM
Subject: Fwd: [BAHRA] Web Developer Opening in Boulder [1 Attachment]
To: jhaemer at azteknetworks.com
Hi, Jeff --
Long time no chat!! Please forward this on to any Drupal developers you
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jessica Davis <jessica_davis at esource.com>
Date: Tue, May 4, 2010 at 2:50 PM
Subject: [BAHRA] Web Developer Opening in Boulder [1 Attachment]
To: "BAHRA at yahoogroups.com" <BAHRA at yahoogroups.com>
Jessica Davis included below]
We have an opening for a Web Developer who must have experience with Drupal.
Salary is in the 50k range, but could be more depending on experience. If
you know anyone, please ask them to contact me or apply online at
Thank you,
*E Source**
**Jessica Davis, PHR*
HR Generalist
*Tel* 303-345-9170, *Fax* 303-484-4279
jessica_davis at esource.com
*Contact Card* www.esource.com/vcards/Jessica_Davis.vcf
Save the dates and make plans to join us for the *23rd Annual E Source Forum
*, September 19–23, in Denver, Colorado.
For career opportunities go to: www.esource.com/public/careers
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Debi Chernak, SPHR
Strategic HR Business Partner
Cell 303-304-1403
debichernak at gmail.com
Be the Best and Show It!
Best Companies to Work for in Colorado - 2010
Jeffrey Haemer <jeffrey.haemer at gmail.com>
720-837-8908 [cell], @goyishekop [twitter]
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