[lug] Anyone else hate to get rid of old equipment?

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Mon May 24 10:12:14 MDT 2010

Is there a trust-worthy local recycler of "all electronics"?

I've got a large and growing box of cables, mouses/mice, cell phones, wall transformers, computers, laptops, hard drives, etc. I ~don't~ want this crap turning up in a burn-pit or floating in the ocean, I want it properly recycled, and I'm willing to pay extra to be confident that that's happening. Sorta like I only buy Chipotle, because I don't want some animal mistreated to make my burrito 17 cents cheaper.

David L. Willson
Trainer, Engineer, Enthusiast
MCT MSCE Network+ A+ Linux+ LPIC-1 NovellCLA UbuntuCP
Freeing people from the tyranny (or whatevery) of Microsofty-ness

----- "Crawford Rainwater" <crawford.rainwater at linux-etc.com> wrote:

> In the event folks wish to break down and recycle the various parts of
> old equipment, Atlas Metal & Iron in Denver will pay for the materials
> (no keyboards or monitors though).  Their URL is at 
> http://www.atlasmetalandiron.com 
> though I did not see the specifics which use to be posted.  Basically
> RAM modules have gold platting (which is a high value to them), hard
> drives, motherboards, power supplies, and metal cases.  Linux ETC have
> used them in the past for a (very old) AS/400 system and it was quite
> nice getting that space back.  Yes, they do pay for the material,
> though the more broken down and separate it is, the better the pay
> out.
> They are located roughly off of the southeast side of Colfax and I-25
> (11th and Umatilla Street).  Their staff is pretty knowledgeable about
> specifics if you have questions.
> HTH.
> --- Crawford
> The Linux ETC Company
> 10121 Yates Court
> Westminster, CO 80031 USA
> voice:  +1.303.604.2550
> web:    http://www.linux-etc.com
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