[lug] Breaking braking?

Bear Giles bgiles at coyotesong.com
Wed Jul 14 10:14:02 MDT 2010

On 07/14/2010 09:41 AM, Calvin Dodge wrote:
>> If that is the case, then unless the brakes failed, I don't know how the
>> 'cars' could cause the accidents.
>> And why don't the people have the presence of mind to:
>>    1) shift into nutral
>>    2) turn the key off
>>    3) apply the ebrake
> It's called "panic".
> Calvin

As an aside, anyone who doesn't think 'panic' is an excuse has never 
actually, you know, panicked.   A lot of geeks seem to think it's a 
character flaw or something, not something deep that tosses you around 
like a chew toy in my old dog's mouth.  I don't know how Calvin meant 
his comment but I wanted this on the record.

(I've never had a full panic, just two baby ones.  One was kayak safety 
training where I was upside down and underwater.  Underwater doesn't 
bother me, but being upside down for long enough that the cold water ran 
into my nasal passages /did/.  I had no idea it would hit me so hard.)

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