[lug] Tools to navigate Unix links backwards?

Davide Del Vento davide.del.vento at gmail.com
Sat Jul 24 06:57:41 MDT 2010

>>>> Does "tree(1)" help you?
>>> Yes -- that's just the sort of hint I was hoping for.  This will be
>>> a generally useful tool.
>> Mmmm, how does that help more than ls -l (on a modern linux, where
>> colors and suffixes, and explicit arrows for syslinks, and the likes
>> are available and turned on by default)?
> It's a Unix tool that writes text output in a simple format.

Yes, I know (and love!) tree. It is one of the first thing I install
these days (in the ole time it came by default in most distro, sadly
not anymore...)

I am just wondering how does it help with your initial problem (still
in the subject) on navigating sys and hard links backwards.


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